Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Book Review

 "Stardust", by Neil Gaiman is truly a magical and remarkable book. The fantasical lands described are amzing and very creative. The story is of a boy who travels out of his familiar lands to find a fallen star for his love. But, as the story progresses, he encounters two others seeking the very same star. From start to finish this book is addicting.
 I think the author has reallly outdone himself and this is one of my favorite books. The characters are interesting and described to almost every detail. Favored parts of this book I would say is the end. I would describe the ending but I want you to read it first. Most who've read this book would agree that this is truly amazing.
 The only downfall to this book was that it ended. I loved it but was saddened when I'd finished it. I'd recommend this book to any science fiction lovers. It's a quick read and it literally drops you into the scene. Also, everything in the book is somehow drawn back to the main plot, no small stories that distract from the main point. If I were to rate this book from 1-4 stars then I would give this book 4 stars. I greatly recommend it for everyone.

Favorite Quotes/Literary Examples

"There were high ferns, and elm trees, and foxgloves in abundance, and the moon had set in the sky."(136)

"It was a remarkable bird, as large as a pheasant, but with feathers of all colors, garish reds and yellows and vivid blues."(250)

"His fingers touched the chain that bound them: cold as snow it was, and tenuous as moonlight on a millpond or the glint of light a trout's silver scales as it rises at dusk to feed."(155)

"And they chimed and jingled like distant glass bells."(24)

"Fireflies glittered in the leaves of the elm trees and in the ferns and in the hazel bushes, flickering on and off like the lights of a strange and distant city."(91)

"The pale trees shook, although no wind blew, and it seemed to Tristan that they shook in anger."(111)

"A fieldmouse found a fallen hazelnut and began to bite into the hard shell of the nut with its sharp, evergrowing front teeth, not because it was because it was hungry, but because it was a prince under an enchantment who could not regain his outer form until he chewed the Nut of Wisdom."(91-92)

"There was dim glow pulsing from the middle of the hazel thicket, as if a tiny cloud of stars were glimmering there."(93)

"And he pulled out a candle-stub the size of a crabapple and handed it to Tristan."(133)

"It was festooned with flowers:bluebells and foxgloves and hareballs and daffodils, but also with violets and lilies, with tiny crimson dog-roses, pale snowdrops, blue forget-me-nots and a profusion of other flowers Dunstan could not name."(24)

"The fragments of melody he could make out were strange and tantalizing, but she sang so quietly he could hear next to nothing."(155)

"Behind them were the lights of the market, the lanterns and the candles and witch-lights and fairy glitter, like a dream of the night sky bought down to earth."(324)

"She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars."(333)


Beyond Wall awaits
Witched and Lords in future
Wall waves a good-bye

Free Verse

I always fly above in the wonderous sky,
And imagine what it must be like down there.
I am always alone in the open air.
Silence is both my dear close friend and hated enemy.
Does the world feel like this?

I have never ate nor drank before.
An oaf to ask such things of a star.
My leg is in paralyzing pain and I am chained.
Saving my life, I must stay with him.
Why is this world so cruel?

Though the rain falls brutally, I do not feel it.
My lips still burn from that one moment.
Our hands tightly locked into one another.
I am happy I spent this time with you.


  Magical wonders outside of the Wall,
Thousands of mysteries awaiting me,
Big scary creatures, some bad but not all,
Introducing a land that's simply free.

Fantasical lands filled with lots of fun,
But soon I will realize what is at hand,
Make the wrong move and I could be done,
Bound together by a silver chained band.

Looks are decieving, please keep that in mind,
Knives being thrown, the scene is bloody,
I finally realize what I must find,
We sit here all soaked, happy and muddy.

How loving and caring you are to me dear,
Too bad I must leave you alone down here.

Acroustic Peom



Tristan Thorn
Tristan Thorn: A young love-struck teenage boy that only one desire throughout this whole book. To capture the heart of Victoria Forester. He's a respectable yet painfully shy individual who slowly matures as the story progresses.

Dunstan Thorn: The book begins with Dunstan's love interest in a beautiful catlike woman who is a slave to a flower seller. The product of this relationship was Tristan Thorn.

Dunstan Thorn

Daisy Hempstock: A mildly attractive woman who married Dunstan Thorn. She's a very caring and loving mother but not biologically related to Tristan Thorn.

Louisa Thorn: The teasing little sister of Tristan Thorn and about six months younger. And although she grew up to be a beautiful young woman, she did not make school life easy for Tristan.

Charmed: A merchant that calls himself a series of adjectives as his name. Charmed is a hairy little man that guides Tristan through part of this journey.

Yvaine: She is a fairly beautiful and fragile young lady with shining white hair and her eyes are sky blue. She's the fallen star that our love-struck hero is supposed to bring back. Although though she may look fragile, her quick temper can get the best of her.

Morwanneg: Also referred to as the witch-queen, this woman is the leader of the Lilim, three elderly witch sisters. She seeks the fallen star for the eternal youth that it will bring back to her and her sisters. Extremely devilish and dangerous character.

Witch Queen

Mistress Semele: An elderly old witch who owns the mysterious flower seller known to be Tristan's mother. She's very ill-tempered and quick to conclusions. A glass flower shop owner.

Lord Primus: One of the lords of Stormhold. The eldest and most cautious of the remaining three lords in the beginning. Very respectful and kind but untrusting towards most.

Victoria Forester: The girl who has captured Tristan's naive heart. Known to be the most beautiful girl in the city of Wall. She teased Tristan into getting the shooting star that started the journey.

Lady Una: The long lost sister to the Lords of Stormhold and Tristan's biological mother. In looks, she's only a bit older than Tristan with very catlike qualities. She has dark curly black hair and fairly tanned skin. Her eyes are a deep violet and bring a sense of mystery. Her ears are cat ears that stick out of her dark curly locks of hair. Lady Una has a very playful and mysterious personality. Acts like a wild cat.
