Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Book Review

 "Stardust", by Neil Gaiman is truly a magical and remarkable book. The fantasical lands described are amzing and very creative. The story is of a boy who travels out of his familiar lands to find a fallen star for his love. But, as the story progresses, he encounters two others seeking the very same star. From start to finish this book is addicting.
 I think the author has reallly outdone himself and this is one of my favorite books. The characters are interesting and described to almost every detail. Favored parts of this book I would say is the end. I would describe the ending but I want you to read it first. Most who've read this book would agree that this is truly amazing.
 The only downfall to this book was that it ended. I loved it but was saddened when I'd finished it. I'd recommend this book to any science fiction lovers. It's a quick read and it literally drops you into the scene. Also, everything in the book is somehow drawn back to the main plot, no small stories that distract from the main point. If I were to rate this book from 1-4 stars then I would give this book 4 stars. I greatly recommend it for everyone.

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