Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Favorite Quotes/Literary Examples

"There were high ferns, and elm trees, and foxgloves in abundance, and the moon had set in the sky."(136)

"It was a remarkable bird, as large as a pheasant, but with feathers of all colors, garish reds and yellows and vivid blues."(250)

"His fingers touched the chain that bound them: cold as snow it was, and tenuous as moonlight on a millpond or the glint of light a trout's silver scales as it rises at dusk to feed."(155)

"And they chimed and jingled like distant glass bells."(24)

"Fireflies glittered in the leaves of the elm trees and in the ferns and in the hazel bushes, flickering on and off like the lights of a strange and distant city."(91)

"The pale trees shook, although no wind blew, and it seemed to Tristan that they shook in anger."(111)

"A fieldmouse found a fallen hazelnut and began to bite into the hard shell of the nut with its sharp, evergrowing front teeth, not because it was because it was hungry, but because it was a prince under an enchantment who could not regain his outer form until he chewed the Nut of Wisdom."(91-92)

"There was dim glow pulsing from the middle of the hazel thicket, as if a tiny cloud of stars were glimmering there."(93)

"And he pulled out a candle-stub the size of a crabapple and handed it to Tristan."(133)

"It was festooned with flowers:bluebells and foxgloves and hareballs and daffodils, but also with violets and lilies, with tiny crimson dog-roses, pale snowdrops, blue forget-me-nots and a profusion of other flowers Dunstan could not name."(24)

"The fragments of melody he could make out were strange and tantalizing, but she sang so quietly he could hear next to nothing."(155)

"Behind them were the lights of the market, the lanterns and the candles and witch-lights and fairy glitter, like a dream of the night sky bought down to earth."(324)

"She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars."(333)

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